Sunday, August 9, 2009

July, 2009 Camping

We went camping with three families in July. It was a camping reunion! When our families were young, we all camped together. Now all the kids have had kids, so we had a pretty large group together. The weather was awesome. I think it only rained once during the five days we were there.
This is my dad with his harmonica, playing the tunes...
Our cabin.

Sunset view from our cabin.

Little Miss Allison. Can she be any cuter?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I promised Luke that he could have a mohawk for one week after school was over. He, of course, remembered!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Adam and Ben and Apple Blossoms, May 2009

Tulips and Blooms and Boys, May 2009

Snails collected from The Sunken Garden Pond...

Adam and Ben

Luke, Adam, Caden, and Ben

Spring came early

An oddly warm day in late February allowed us to play outside with no coats. It snowed again two days later.

Wrestling 2009

The boys all were in wrestling this year. They had a great time learning new skills. Adam earned 2nd place in his weight bracket, Ben 4th, and Luke 5th.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Christmas Eve 2008

December 2008, Family Christmas Gathering

The Girls!

Great Grandma and the Grandkids...

Group Photo!

We had fun playing games and opening presents!